Buds and Roses Bouquet


A medium sized bouquet made with seasonal flowers. Currently only available for free collection or local delivery in Salisbury SP1,SP2,SP4. After purchasing please contact us to confirm delivery date and time. Plus a message for recipient. A minimun of 24 hours is needed to fulfill your order. Wrapped in recyclable Kraft paper and biodegradable water bag, both also compostable.

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A medium sized bouquet made with seasonal flowers. Currently only available for free collection or local delivery in Salisbury SP1,SP2,SP4. After purchasing please contact us to confirm delivery date and time. Plus a message for recipient. A minimun of 24 hours is needed to fulfill your order. Wrapped in recyclable Kraft paper and biodegradable water bag, both also compostable.

Thankyou for supporting ♻️🌍

A medium sized bouquet made with seasonal flowers. Currently only available for free collection or local delivery in Salisbury SP1,SP2,SP4. After purchasing please contact us to confirm delivery date and time. Plus a message for recipient. A minimun of 24 hours is needed to fulfill your order. Wrapped in recyclable Kraft paper and biodegradable water bag, both also compostable.

Thankyou for supporting ♻️🌍